Work is stressful. I do collections. I’m responsible for approximately $3.5 million dollars each month. Did you see that figure? The stress began in April, where amongst the Southern Book Tour event on my blog, we were closing out our fiscal year at work. Needless to say, I was stressed with the blog and stressed with the work. And so began my slow withdrawal from the blogosphere. Few tweets, no Follow Friday, no Book Hauls, etc. Life has continued—I have bought books, accepted review requests, and have continued reading. And, yes, will continue to do these things, but not for Bound & Determined to Find a Good Read.
This will be my last post on B&D.
My biggest regret in all of this is that I allowed something that is so much fun, to become such a huge burden…just another thing on my list of stressors. Reading isn’t fun anymore. Blogging isn’t fun anymore.
Don’t panic! I will still be reading and reviewing books, these reviews will just post on Bending the Spine. Most of you know that Rebecca at Bending the Spine is my wife. She has said for months that we should combine blogs, instead of running companion blogs. I have come to this conclusion: she’s right. Mark it down people, this may be the only time you hear a man admit a woman is right!
If I have accepted your review request, my review will post there. If I am part of your book tour, my stop will be there. B&D will still be live, and this post will be the most current thing on it, so people who visit here will know to visit there.
Thank you to all of you for the support, comments, follows, and for reading my babble. You have all made this an adventure!
Get to reading,